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If you’re experiencing bone loss in your jaw due to tooth loss, advanced gum disease, or trauma, it can have a significant impact on your dental health and overall appearance. Fortunately, bone grafting is a surgical procedure that can help restore your jawbone and support the placement of dental implants, bridges, or dentures. At 4th Avenue Dental in Calgary, our experienced team offers safe and effective bone grafting procedures to help you regain your smile and confidence.


What is Bone Grafting?


Bone grafting is a dental procedure that involves transplanting bone tissue from another part of your body or a donor source to the area of bone loss. The grafted bone tissue stimulates the growth of new bone cells and supports the regeneration of bone in the affected area. At 4th Avenue Dental, we commonly use bone grafting to enhance the stability and durability of dental implants, repair bone loss resulting from gum disease, injury, or infection, and improve the appearance of the smile and facial contours.


Types of Bone Grafts


There are several types of bone grafts available at 4th Avenue Dental, and our dental professionals will recommend the best option for your specific needs based on the extent of bone loss and the location of the affected area.

Autografts: This type of bone graft uses bone tissue from another part of your body, such as the hip, jaw, or chin. Autografts are living tissue and have a high success rate, but they require a second surgical site, which can increase the risk of complications and prolong the recovery period.

Allografts: Allografts use bone tissue from a donor source, typically from a tissue bank. Allografts eliminate the need for a second surgical site and are readily available. However, they are not living tissue, and there is a rare risk of tissue rejection or disease transmission.

Xenografts: Xenografts use bone tissue from an animal source, typically a cow or a pig. They are readily available and can be used in cases where autografts or allografts are not feasible. However, there is a rare risk of tissue rejection and disease transmission.

Synthetic grafts: Synthetic grafts are man-made materials that mimic the structure and function of natural bone tissue. They are readily available and eliminate the risk of tissue rejection or disease transmission. However, they may not provide the same level of support or stimulate the same level of bone growth as living tissue.


The Bone Grafting Procedure at 4th Avenue Dental


At 4th Avenue Dental, we provide comprehensive bone grafting procedures to ensure a successful outcome. Here’s what you can expect during your procedure:

  • Anesthesia: Our dental professionals will administer local anesthesia to numb the affected area. In some cases, you may also receive sedation to help you relax.
  • Incision: Our dental professionals will make a small incision in the gum tissue to access the affected area.
  • Preparation: Our dental professionals will prepare the recipient site by removing any damaged or diseased tissue and shaping the bone to receive the graft.
  • Graft placement: Our dental professionals will place the bone graft material into the prepared site and secure it in place with small screws or pins.
  • Closing the incision: Our dental professionals will close the incision with sutures.


Why Choose 4th Avenue Dental for Bone Grafting?


At 4th Avenue Dental, we are committed to providing high-quality dental care in a comfortable and friendly environment. Our team of experienced dentists and staff use the latest technology and techniques to ensure that you receive the best possible care.


We understand that dental procedures can be stressful, which is why we take the time to explain the treatment process and answer any questions you may have. Our goal is to make your dental experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

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